
yo drop the beat man, gimme som of dat! YE thats nice uh uh yo!
You take a carrot, and then you take another.
And then you put it in a little ffsssssskärbräda.
You gotta fsskära dom, with a kni-i-i-i-i-i-fe
Put em in the bunker. yeye then you take some flower yeye
Put em in the bunker. HMN and heat some smör on the spis
Mix it in the bunker, and youll have a nice smörja!
gimme dat yeee (turn the mic up a littlebit ye yeyeye)
And then whatcha know what you gonna take män?
You gotta take som strössel änd put it in the bunke
And then you gotta take a slev and veva around a little!
And when its all vevat and nice, you gotta take some suger and put it in the bowl!
so it doesn't taste like crap cuzz it got da sween?
uh ye. and when its all done, and nice and bended..
you gotta put it on aaaaaaaa smörpapper!..
on a plåt!..
and then you put it all in the oven. and make some nice cookies
and when you jump, you can eat em' and you know what you made, you made some carrot cookies!!


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